You were here because you agreed and ready to take one step forward in increasing your traffic/daily views in triond.
For better way of earning I would like to ask about your top earning articles.
I have created a post and a page which are identical.
This is the list of articles that we have to view daily.
I aim to put only 100 links to visit daily.
this 100 links would depend on the number of members in the team.
I may increase or decrease this number as you wish.
This would simply means we will be having a secured 100 views daily.
To increase the number of views. I will be creating a post containing links of all your Triond Articles. (sample)
( but this post may not be updated daily)
(you can create your own list on your own blog)
(just inform me to have it listed/linked here)
With this you can have a complete article visit from a specific member of the group. If you happen to visit all his/her links, Send a personal message to the member.
Now to verify that you have done the favor and for everybody to hear you clearly.
You need to put a comment after visiting the links posted.
(comment could be as simply as Done, 100 or anything even a letter would do)
This suggestion may not yet be clear but I hope it has the greatest visibility. We can debate about this to hear your suggestion.
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